Happy Halloween and the month of November Scorpio Season! Illustration by Heather Rose. What a powerful month we are entering with so many planetary changes. First let’s talk about the election on November 5th. A very close call is imminent and there is something very unexpected that will happen. Jupiter in Gemini is affecting both of their charts: Close to her ascendant and close to his sun. Uranus in Taurus conjunct her Jupiter (a lucky break that comes out of the blue). He has Uranus conjunct his MC- another unexpected twist. Even their transits are neck and neck- unbelievable! I will stop there.
This month we have Pluto entering Aquarius on November 19th until 2044!! Mercury goes retrograde on November 25th and Mars is getting ready to go retrograde the first week of December. Saturn in Pisces goes Direct on November 14th. Wowee! Pluto going direct in Aquarius and Saturn going direct in Pisces can indicate that all the inner work, inner processing and regrouping that you have done since June, will now pay off. Saturn went retrograde at the end of June, so this will be a powerful step forward with clarity and decisiveness. There will be momentum with your purpose and bringing a dream into reality. Just know that with Mercury and Mars retro, a little goes a long way. Step forward lightly. New dreams are manifesting right before your eyes with ease and grace. The old paradigm that it is hard to manifest and that you have to use force to bring it into fruition is outdated and not the path forward.
JUPITER IN GEMINI went retrograde on October 9th until February 5, 2025.
Jupiter has been direct all year in Taurus and Gemini. It has given us the impression that new things were possible and it is time to expand our options. Upleveling in many areas of our lives such as career, creativity, travel and relationships to name a few. Jupiter is the teacher of abundance, positivity, expansion, knowledge and opening up to your potential. When it turns retrograde for the next 4 months, this is a time to integrate and prepare for the next expansive phase next year. Maybe you overdid it or maybe you had all the ideas but got scattered. Now it is time to synthesize the shifts and bring the changes into your soul.
PLUTO IN CAPRICORN went Direct on October 12th until November 19th for the final spin.
Now it is time to tie up loose ends, clear out old timelines & goals and make way for living outside the box. Good time to reflect on what has shifted in your life since May 2nd when the retrograde began in Aquarius. This passage of time has been a very important one in regards to clearing old karma, patterns and finally letting go.
The last time Pluto visited Aquarius was 1778- 1798. Some important events were the American Revolutionary War, Treaty of Alliance and Treaty of Amity and Commerce signed by the US and France, the Constitution and the US Post Office established. We are looking at transformation on a global level where the world will be radically different in 20 years. Aquarius is about the higher collective, progressive societies, enhanced technological discoveries, bridging different cultures together to create a brotherhood of the planet. If you look at what was weird or fringe 40 years ago, it is now mainstream. We are upgrading the operating system to what was impossible before, and will now appear to be very probable. We are talking about galactic visitations, a new world created as a community where healing, higher intelligence and love are the key motivators. This energy will ask each of us personally to transform our attitudes towards society, contribute a little bit more to making it a sacred place and being authentically you! This will be a very powerful time for the planet to transform out of the old paradigms to birth a new society.
URANUS IN TAURUS until May 2026
Uranus is the planet of revolution, change, awakening, sudden intuitive hits, and innovation. The way in which change will take place will be on a very different vibration. Taurus is one sign that does not like change. It wants comfort, security and money in the bank. Uranus will rebel in the world of money, fashion, business, beauty and security. How we view our own security can change directions. Uranus wants to be free from being tied down. We will find unique ways to create businesses, new trends with fashion, less conservative tastes, more color in homes and unique housing villages getting launched. This seven year phase will get the ball moving with intentional housing communities for the baby boomer generation. Good time to create your own trend and not follow others. Let your unique artistic style stand out. The energy we experience in a Uranian transit, can affect our bodies with lots of nervous energy, anxiety, insomnia and a feeling of being in a blender. Clearing out our inner clutter will open up new territories that have not been discovered before. It is important to ground yourself during these times with yoga, hikes and psychic protection techniques. During the Uranus Retrograde, expect the unexpected as far as old triggers emerging, old friends reappearing, sudden shifts in perspective and an unsettling feeling that there are new things on the horizon but the timing ain’t yet!
SATURN IN PISCES March 7, 2023 - May 25, 2025
The last time Saturn visited Pisces was 1994 - 1996. If you look back in history a Saturn cycle returns every 29-30 years. So the kids born during the last visit, will now be going through their Saturn return for the next 2 years ( That includes my daughter Heather). Saturn is the planet that rules commitments, rules, patience, work, career, limits, shoulds, mastery and responsibility. Pisces rules the sea, imagination, creativity, spirituality, compassion, empathy and being of service. When you put these two together you may feel they would have a strange relationship. How do you put a fence around the ocean? We are looking at a time of dissolving old structures, belief systems, religious upbringing, timelines and illusions. Saturn in Pisces will be teaching us to have faith, believe in what you cannot see, trust your intuition, clear trauma, heal wounding and bring in more magic! Saturn in Pisces is the end of a cycle which encourages unloading of old emotional baggage including ancestral lineage. Good time for committing to being of service in a bigger way, studying intuitive arts, psychology, dreams, creativity and opening the heart to living life compassionately.
This new moon is in a fixed water sign Scorpio! How intense can that be! Especially Halloween and Day of the Dead. Scorpio is the sign of transformation, letting go, passions, all or nothing, soul connections and psychic awareness. Good time for serious purging, clearing out the past and digging deep within your soul on what you truly desire. New moons are about planting seeds in the sign that it is in and the house that it falls in your birthchart. After you do your clearing and burning ritual, then comes the intention part. New Moon in Scorpio is about feeding your soul on all levels. It can show up in your dreams(prophetic), passionate new lover, deep fulfilling creative purpose or emotional fulfillment. Example of New Moon in Scorpio in the 2nd house, could indicate a time to plant seeds for a new way to make money, uplevel your possessions or increase worthiness.
FULL MOON IN TAURUS NOVEMBER 15th 1:28 PM 24 degrees
A very powerful fixed full moon in Taurus opposite the Sun in Scorpio. The Moon in Taurus is exalted here (meaning its best placement). Taurus wants to be comfortable, be amongst the trees and flowers, get massages and go to spas. Scorpio wants to go deep, be emotional and be intense. Taurus wants to relax and not be intense. When these two planets oppose each other, there can be a clash of wills. Good time to release the areas of your life that feel stuck, repressed, not comfortable and not passionate. Examine your possessions - do you love them? Are they comfortable? How is your bed? You may want to plant some flowers and bring some green plants into your house. This is a powerful full moon to activate the money corner (which is the diagonal far left corner from the front door or door of a room. Simple fix is to make an altar: Put an amethyst, green calcite and citrine with some money plants, water fountain and your abundance goals written out. For more info I can consult with you to shift the energies in your house and activate your goals.
Mercury in Scorpio is the detective, the psychic and the psychologist. Always looking beneath the surface at what is actually going on. Mercury in Scorpio does not want to hear your excuses or your fluff. They want the bottomline truth. When you lie to a Mercury in Scorpio they will see right through you. They just don't tell you they see what you are not saying. Kamala and I have this placement. That’s why she is such a good prosecutor. Good time for counseling, getting finances in order, trusts and wills, and communicating your deep truths to your soul tribe. On a personal note as a Mercury in Scorpio person I am not interested in fake friends or those that cannot be authentic. Real is juicy and delicious - those are my tribe.
Mercury in Sagittarius is the philosopher, humorist and teacher. Mercury the messenger visits expansive, truthful Sagittarius. During this period, you may want to travel to foreign lands, write a blog, take a class, meet new people and share your knowledge. Sagittarius is the optimist, always looking at distant horizons. Where have you been limiting your perspective? Good time to make long range plans, research adventure trips and keep an open mind towards your future. Stay positive, read inspiring books and create a vision board for the new year!
During a mercury retro period you may notice an inability to think clearly, make connections with others and electronic and mechanical breakdowns. The lesson of mercury retrograde is to reflect, refine, organize, simplify and make sure we are communicating clearly. Mercury retro in
Sagittarius brings an influx of so many ideas that are going in multiple directions. Observe but don’t decide until it goes direct. Good time to journal, clear out clutter, clear out books, and work on existing projects carefully. Remember Sagittarius can be over enthusiastic and take on more than they can chew. If you want to sign a contract, buy a car or computer or sign a lease- wait til the direct.
Venus the goddess of love visits optimistically, humorous Sagittarius. . Venus in Sagittarius is all about loving nature, friends, learning and growth. Venus in Sagittarius wants their primary relationship to be their best friend, their buddy. They will love to bring adventure and travel to their relationship. There is a love of knowledge and sharing what they know. During this time, expand your social circle, get out of your comfort zone, plan a trip and keep your humor. Confidence and being positive will assist you in the process.
Venus the goddess of love visits grounded, purposeful Capricorn. . Venus in Capricorn is about commitment, stability, financial security, ancestral lineage, antiques, and a love of money. Venus in Capricorn wants you to have your life together or they can’t respect you. Key word here is respect. You need to show you are ambitious and have goals. During this time period, evaluate your current relationships as to whether they have substance and are solid. A time of recommitting in a current relationship or working on your own goals as far as what you deserve and are willing to receive in a future relationship if single.
Mars, the planet of desire, visits sensitive, nurturing Cancer. Mars is all about how your energy is being expressed and what you want. Cancer is all about your home, family, emotions and needs. When these 2 come together, there can be frustrations and irritability. Mars in Cancer is not one who likes confrontation, so it is easier to sidestep like the crab. Issues can come up with family, real estate, and health issues with stomach/digestion. Mars can invigorate Cancer by slowly expressing emotional needs without an aggressive undertone. Good time to put energy into your home, buying real estate, finances, family growth and implementing boundaries.
Mars, the planet of desire, visits affectionate, expressive Leo. Mars is all about how your energy is being expressed and what you want. Leo is all about love, creativity, romance and desire. When these 2 come together, you know what you want and you want it now. Mars in Leo wants the best quality and is willing to spend money on it. Leo rules the heart and Mars adds an urgency to express what you want, even if it is dramatic. Good time to put energy into creativity, passions, taking charge in your life, fearlessness, new love and buying new clothes that have a dramatic flair. Red candles, red accessories, red clothes and hearts can assist you during this very long Mars transit.
Mars does not like to go retrograde! You may notice all the plans you make now can seriously go haywire. It is like the power and the drive are going backwards. Two steps forward then three steps backwards. Be mindful of not forcing things to happen and have a plan B and C. If Mars rules our energy, you may notice low energy, confusion and frustration with how slow things are manifesting. Retrograde planets always suggest it's time to go inward and listen to our intuition before moving forward. Be careful when it moves back into Cancer on January 6th until April 18th. There is still a finishing up chapter from the past before you fully enter your new phase.
The Sun is excited to enter optimistic Sagittarius after visiting the dark, intense waters of Scorpio. The holidays are a representation of the bounty of Sagittarius, even though Christmas is in Capricorn. This is the buildup to the new year and when people get excited about new possibilities. Sagittarius wants a new vision, a new place to travel and bring adventure back into the current reality.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCORPIO! Book your birthday reading now and receive $25 off. Expires November 30.
"Creating Magic, Intention, Alignment and Expansion"
Group begins Monday January 13th
$300 for 4 sessions. Location in Novato.
Sessions are once every 2 weeks. Time 6:30- 8:00
This is the new group is for those that are called to be living life in a elevated, magical and profound way. All my tools i use will be brought to this group as well as ritual, meditation and group intention. We will implement dreams, intentions, chakra clearings, astrology, journeying, meditations and fun. Are you ready to embody your next level of being? This group is meant to support, inspire, elevate, motivate and shift. The right women will be drawn. Amazing women are already signing up- join them! We have 5 spots left!! Are you ready for the NEW YEAR???
RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW! Please venmo @wendyrose to register. 415-710-3759 for questions