During the month of Scorpio, the masks come off and we are traveling into the land of our deepest desires. No longer satisfied with superficial talk and customary politeness, the soul starts to scream to be met. Pulling back from your social life to experience your inner beauty and deep emotions, will fulfill the balance that needs to be made. You may experience this month: psychic experiences, telepathy, precognitive dreams, relationships ending, relationships transforming, soul meetings and amazing healing benefits. Scorpio as the Magician asks that we hold our sacred desires with high intention and for the benefit of all.
Neil Young, Bonnie Raitt, Grace Slick, Joni Mitchell, Kendall Jenner, Lorde, Winona Ryder, Whoopi Goldberg, Katie Perry, Penn Badgley, Ryan Reynolds, Julia Roberts, Kris Jenner, Emma Stone, Leonardo DiCaprio, Anne Hathaway, Ryan Gosling and Jimmy Kimmel.
FULL MOON in TAURUS/Lunar Eclipse November 8th 3:02 AM 16 degrees
This is a fixed full moon with Taurus/Scorpio opposition. This full moon will focus on money, security, home, relationships, comfort and creativity. Taurus is ruled by Venus and loves its creature comforts. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and it loves its intensity. Taurus wants calm and Scorpio wants depth. They both love intensely just in different ways. Holding on versus letting go. The theme for this full moon is what are you willing to let go of that is creating stagnation in your life. It is time to seed for more abundance, pleasure and joy. Passion, affection and security are highlighted. In your ritual, create an altar for abundance. What do you want to achieve next in your life? Successful business, new relationship, real estate or creative venture? Now is the time to intend to create deeper roots for joyful expansion. Let go of possessions, relationships, jobs or belief systems that are limiting you.
CRYSTALS: Jade, Rhodonite, Malachite, Rose Quartz and Emerald.
CANDLE: Green (light your candle and write down your intentions)
TAROT CARDS for Altar: Empress, Queen of Pentacles and Lovers.
Guiding Star Flower Essences: Taurus and Scorpio
NEW MOON in SAGITTARIUS November 23rd 2:57 PM 1 degree
The New Moon in Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. This fiery optimistic combination brings new horizons to the forefront. Good time to do a vision board for 2023! Sagittarius is like a breath of fresh air that gives you new insights and new pathways for future endeavors. Look at how you can expand your life and find inspiration. What new adventure is beckoning? What are you ready for? Planting seeds during this new moon ritual for laughter, expansion, abundance, joy and a new adventure are highlighted. Bring out your Amethyst crystals to support you during this new moon. Fire rituals are helpful during a new moon in Sagittarius. Write what you are releasing and burn. Write what you are intending and burn.
CRYSTALS: Amethyst, Blue Agate, Sodalite and Blue Lace Agate.
CANDLE: BLUE (Light your candle and write down your desires of what you want and place near the candle).
TAROT CARDS for Altar: Wheel of Fortune, Queen of Wands and Hierophant.
Guiding Star Flower Essences: Sagittarius and Prosperity
Happy Halloween and All Saints Day!! We are in Scorpio season with the pumpkins lighting the pathway, costumes parading about and the smell of fall in the air. As we enter this month with the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio, we get a glimpse into the hidden arena where the shadow lives. The urge to get real, be authentic, and clear out the bullshit is strong. You will see through people’s behavior like never before. The truth must be told in all your relationships in order to have them be empowered. This is a no nonsense month of intense curiosity, transformational power and cleansing deeply. As many have seen, the energies over the past year are moving incredibly fast and many people are experiencing such rapid transformations on a cellular level. The old paradigms are slowly dissolving and new structures are being implemented in place. Crystals you may want to have around you this month: Selenite, Amethyst, Black Tourmaline and Citrine. Saturn in Aquarius and Pluto in Capricorn are now direct and will assist you in manifesting in your external world especially with career and money. The ability to execute and put plans in motion will be much easier. The confusion and the overwhelm that has permeated the field for months has put a lot of plans on hold. Saturn in Aquarius is making a square to Uranus in Taurus through the end of November. Saturn represents structures, commitments, shoulds, familiarity, patterns and patience. Uranus represents change, newness, erraticness, breakthrough, outside the box and impatience. The square creates a conflict inside of us regarding sticking with the old paradigms, old stories, old beliefs and trusting in the new. Do we want to be free, change our lifestyle, trust a new partner or do we crawl back in a hole and hide? This square will also be represented in world events: upheaval and breakdown of the old, security/money changes and living life in a new way. So many ways this can show up. In your chart, look to see if you have anything 18-20 degrees in fixed signs: Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus. This square will activate, challenge and force you to change. There is no holding on to the past for false security. The refresh button has been pressed and the universe is guiding you to open your eyes to a whole new level of living. Trust the process and notice where the fear amps up. Powerful time to embrace and open up to your destiny. Jupiter goes direct in Pisces on November 23 on the New Moon in Sagittarius!! What a great time for abundance to flow in all directions.Powerful day to uplevel, manifest, expand and enjoy! It is a double whammy for Jupiter going direct and a Sagittarius New Moon. Time to reap what you have sown. Jupiter went retrograde in Aries in July and eased back into Pisces on October 28th. Time to review what dreams closed down since July and what new dreams are percolating. Many people are feeling like they are in a pressure cooker, ready to give birth to something new but it is not time yet. The expansion is coming, the soul tribes are meeting and where you are supposed to be living, will show itself. A very big time to surrender to what is and allow the universe to surprise you. Make your voice heard and VOTE!!!!
Jupiter Retrograde in Aries until November 23rd. A time to work on abundance issues, increase inner wealth and look at your long range plans. Where have you expanded in your life since Jupiter entered Aries? Where have you not expanded? Remember Aries wants a new challenge, new endeavor and adventure. In order to utilize the gifts of this placement, use this retrograde period to clear out the places where you have felt stuck in money issues or haven't felt truly abundant. When Jupiter goes direct, you will feel finally ready for that launch!
Neptune Retrograde in Pisces until December 3rd. A time to uncover the old dreams, ideals and fantasies that have played a part in your life up till this point. A clearing in the deepest level of the subconcious can open up to a higher level of spiritual enlightenment. Being able to access new realities, new dimensions, psychic expansion and mediumship can occur at this time. We are currently untangling the old wirings of many past lives. More light needs to come in to offset many layers of darkness that accumulated from those times. Visions will increase, staying present and letting the divine take the lead. Keep Selenite by your bed, wear an amethyst and smudge/palo santo your house A LOT!
JUPITER in ARIES May 11, 2022 - May 17, 2023
Jupiter, the planet of expansion, enters Aries, the sign of action and energy. After a year of floating in the Piscean Seas, this placement will get you moving into new arenas, new projects and new relationships. You were receiving lots of insights over the past year through intuitive
flashes, meditation and inner work. Now it is time to take action and spread your wings. Aries is a cardinal fire sign that thrives on challenge, movement and going after what it wants. If you have Aries in your birth chart, this will be an opportune time to expand your life in many ways. Jupiter always brings good fortune, luck and prosperity to the table. Be grateful for what you have and allow yourself to take risks outside of your comfort zone. The color is Red- wear it proudly! Where do you want to expand your life? What adventure is calling you? What would be thrilling and exciting to open up to?
GUIDING STAR POTIONS: Prosperity and Aries
Mercury in Scorpio October 29 - November 17
Mercury the messenger visits intense, penetrating Scorpio. Mercury rules communication, writing, thinking, reading and speech. Scorpio is a fixed, water sign ruled by Pluto. Mercury in Scorpio is a time for research, psychology, counseling, investigation, and getting to the bottom of an issue. This powerful mental energy can be used to blend the intuitive knowing with the logical mind. Good time for psychic readings, channeling, reading or watching mysteries and diving deep within your soul to access ancient mysteries. Trust your gut, keep your mind clear and protected. You may pick up a lot of unspoken truths this month. The question is do you speak it aloud or simply observe?
GUIDING STAR POTIONS: Clarity and Scorpio
Mercury in Sagittarius November 17 - December 6
Mercury the messenger visits fiery, optimistic Sagittarius. Mercury rules communication, writing, thinking, reading and speech. Sagittarius is a mutable, fire sign ruled by Jupiter. Mercury in Sagittarius is a time for expanding your mind, making long range plans and talking to many people. Sagittarius wants to explore the world and the many cultures that inhabit the earth. You may get an itch to travel to that faraway place that you have dreamed about for a very long time. Good time for writing your book, taking a class, teaching, traveling and opening up your mind to new perspectives. Having humor and being positive is a key to this passage!
GUIDING STAR POTIONS: Clarity and Sagittarius
Venus in Scorpio October 23 - November 16
Venus, the goddess of love, visits passionate, intense Scorpio. Venus is the planet of love, values, attraction, money, creativity and sensuality. Scorpio is a fixed, water sign ruled by Pluto. Venus in Scorpio is the seductress living in her burgundy velvet strewn bedroom filled with candles, lace, delicious aromas and sexy jazz playing. She knows what she likes and what she doesn’t like. She looks for a relationship that is deep, soulful, passionate and committed. During this month, the intensity builds for finding a lover, creating new powerful connections and transforming our hearts to receive on a deeper level. This is a water venus so it is based on emotional depths and mystical yearnings. Letting go of past relationships that did not respect your needs nor empower you are being asked to go at this time. Let your true desires out and be willing to be vulnerable even though it is uncomfortable.
Venus in Sagittarius November 16 - December 10
Venus, the goddess of love, visits expansive, humorous Sagittarius. Venus is the planet of love, values, attraction, money, creativity and sensuality. Sagittarius is a mutable, fire sign ruled by Jupiter. Venus in Sagittarius is happy, go lucky, open to new adventures and looking for a travel buddy. During this month, open your eyes to new adventures, travel plans, friends and playfulness. After traveling through the Scorpionic territory the month before, this will give your heart a lightness of being. Good time to open your heart to receive more abundance, love, joy and gratitude during Sagittarius. If single, explore your options and take a chance in areas you were afraid to take a risk.
GUIDING STAR POTIONS: Sagittarius and Love
Mars in Gemini August 20th - March 23, 2023Mars, the planet of desire, visits curious, busy Gemini. Mars is about drive, energy, anger, men and action. Gemini is a mutable, air sign ruled by Mercury. Mars in Gemini is a time for new projects, juggling several things at once, restlessness and curiosity to learn it all now! Mars activates any sign it moves through, thereby increasing its abilities as well as its detriments. Gemini is talkative, clever, curious, dexterous, youthful and speedy. When you put these two together, you may feel there are too many options and that it is hard to make a decision. Good time to bridge the intuition, the heart and the mind. Grounding during this time is highly suggested- carry some hematite in your pocket. The gift of this transit is an opening of the mind to seeing new possibilities and new connections for bringing in the magic. Gemini is the messenger and Mars says there are many new things coming your way! Stay open.
Mars in Gemini Retrograde October 30 - January 12 Mars in retrograde can be a time of low energy, frustration with getting things done and irritableness with other people. While in the sign Gemini, communication is the key! Are you getting upset over trivial things that people are saying? Are you argumentative? When Mars is retrograde, the normal way of Mars going out in the world is turned inward. The key to using this energy for your benefit is to: take time for self-care, slow down, decide where you are putting your energy and where you are not. The frustration comes from being scattered and trying to put your energy into too many areas. It won’t work now. Simplify, cut back socially and don’t overcommit!
Guiding Star Flower Essences: Gemini and Clarity